Amargosa Valley, Nevada Brothels

We hope our Nevada Brothel directory helps you plan your next brothel visit. We try to keep it as updated as much as possible. If you have any input, please let us know!

List of Legal Brothels

Alien Cathouse

Based on the name, you can probably tell that this is a sci-fi themed brothel. If you "believe", their story is that their "Cosmic Kittens" came from planet "Venus 69" and crash landed on Earth..., well go ahead and read it for yourself. Their website has a forum for your questions. It shows you today's lineup, and has their live show with T&A Q&A for the ladies. The Alien Cathouse is under new ownership so look for good changes.
Address: 2711 E Hwy 95
Amargosa Valley, NV 89020
Phone: 775-372-5678
Hours: 24/7
Bar: Yes
Free Tours: No
Free Limo/Shuttle Service: No

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From the Blog

Fire at The Kit Kat Ranch

Some terrible news in the world of legal brothels. The Kit Kat Ranch in Northern Nevada had a very bad fire. Fortunately, nine people who were in the house at the time got out safe. We're happy that staff and Courtesans got out, however many

Another Nevada Brothel Has Opening Date!

Good news! It looks like another Nevada Brothel, this time Sheri's Ranch, has announced their opening as the first week of May! As we reported a couple of weeks ago, the Chicken Ranch plans on opening as well. More than likely this is due to