Brothel Free Limo Service
Many of the brothels in Nevada offer some type of free car service for people who want to visit their establishments. They obviously hope to make a profit from it, with hopes that you’ll see a girl that you like, and pay to get a party. Brothels located right outside of Las Vegas are classic for this, as many of their brothel visitors come from the Las Vegas Strip. Some are in Las Vegas for conventions, others just for vacation. Either way, people want to maximize their fun.
With prostitution being illegal in Clark County (where Las Vegas is located), brothel owners understand that many of the people who visit the world famous Strip don’t have their cars. Taxi’s and Uber’s can be costly, for the over 1 hour ride, so brothels will get you there on their dime.
If you haven’t partied at a brothel before, something you should consider is what you’ll be doing right after you’re “finished” with your fun. Just picture it, you’re with your favorite girl(s) and have a few drinks to relax a bit. Those drinks may have led to one too many for driving back. If you’re not okay to drive home right after your party, lounging around on a couch, or sleeping it off in your car isn’t be the best etiquette- and probably not allowed. Although the other route can be worse and obtaining an attorney to fight the DUI you received when driving home from the brothel will certainly put a damper on your experience.
Thankfully for these reasons, many brothels offer free limo or shuttle service depending on where you’re coming from. Check our brothel directory for details on which ones offer it.
Keep in mind that most of the girls are independent contractors. If you use the brothel’s free car service, the girl you party with will have to give a percentage of her cut of the party to the brothel to offset the cost of the ride. So, if you want to start off on the right foot and have a great experience with your girls, you may want to compensate the fun correctly, maybe a generous tip can help. We’re pretty sure, she’ll appreciate it and compensate you in other ways for your considerate gesture.