Chicken Ranch Brothel on the Market
Looking to buy a Brothel? The World Famous Chicken Ranch Brothel located in Pahrump, Nevada is up for sale with a 4.5 million dollar price tag. The Chicken Ranch, with it’s rich history and brand recognition, is the closest Brothel to the Las Vegas Strip.
The brothel is on 40 acres of land and sports a pool, living room where you can check their lineup of beautiful ladies, guest bungalows, and world class dungeon for all of those bdsm fans out there.
Just some advice to potential buyers: If you drop by to check the Chicken Ranch out, don’t plan on bringing the 4.5 large with you, as the enticing girls may make you an offer for it that you can’t refuse… possibly in their Dungeon.
Read the full press release here
[photo credit BrianRedBeard]