Ely, Nevada Brothels

We hope our Nevada Brothel directory helps you plan your next brothel visit. We try to keep it as updated as much as possible. If you have any input, please let us know!

List of Legal Brothels

Big 4 Ranch

One of the favorites of our visitors even though there isn't much information on their website (we may have to visit in person), but this Nevada Brothel says they have a friendly atmosphere and their history goes back to the 1880s. Are you a truck driver? They have plenty of parking for you.
Address: 135 High St.
Ely, NV 89301
Phone: 775-289-3174
Hours: 24/7
Bar: No
Free Tours: No
Free Limo/Shuttle Service: No

Stardust Ranch Brothel

Interestingly enough, they only seem to have a Facebook page. According the the page, they're three hours away from Las Vegas. This Nevada brothel has beautiful women and cold drinks. Sounds like our kind of place.
Address: 190 High St
Ely, Nevada 89031
Phone: 775-289-5352
Hours: 12pm - 2am
Bar: Yes
Free Tours: No
Free Limo/Shuttle Service: No

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From the Blog

What Happens at a Brothel?

Exploring the World of Legal Brothels: What Truly Happens Behind Closed Doors The idea of a brothel may conjure various perceptions depending on one’s cultural, personal, or moral compass. However, shifting focus to the realm of legal brothels can shine a light on an often-misunderstood

Exploring Nevada Brothels: The Intricacies of Safety and the Role of Condoms

When imagining the vibrant tapestry of entertainment that Nevada offers, images of bustling casinos, world-renowned performances, and expansive desert landscapes might come to mind. Yet, equally fascinating is the state's unique legal history regarding sex work, specifically the existence of legal brothels. Known for embodying