Brothel Life News Politics

Love Ranch Back Open (again)

Well, that didn’t take long. A judge today ruled that Dennis Hof may re-open his Love Ranch (South) after losing his license in the beginning of the month for 3 violations, one of which being a late license renewal. The judge, the honorable Richard Boulware, ruled that other brothels didn’t have their licenses pulled when they’ve been late renewing their brothel licenses.

The brothel has been closed earlier this year, for failing to keep the establishment up to code. Citing fire and safety violations. It was then re-opened in March and they were given 30 days to correct the violations.

Important to recognize that the Judge noted that the license closure could have been revenge from two Nye county commissioners, Dan Schinhofen and Andrew “Butch” Borasky, for lawsuits Hof has filed against them. The two commissioners did not vote on Hof’s license suspension earlier this year because of the lawsuits against them. However, they decided to vote this time. Surprise, both voted to pull Hof’s license. Judge Boulware banned the two commissioners from voting on any future action relating to Dennis Hof until the litigation against them is resolved.

Mr. Hof has mentioned this being politically motivated.

Dennis Hof estimates that the Love Ranch (South) has lost over $100,000 in profit in the 3 weeks it’s been closed.

The Love Ranch Brothel is allowed to re-open on Tuesday August 28th, 2018.