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Lyon County Freedom Debate 2. Opponents No Show….again

Debate number 2 is on for the Lyon County brothel question. Specifically, Lyon County question number 1 which is an advisory question on whether brothels should remain legal in Lyon County.

If you missed the first debate, catch up on it here.

Chuck Muth, Dennis Hof’s former campaign manager, once again was the commentator, and once again, the people pushing to ban the brothels in Lyon County were no shows. We can only assume that Jason Guinasso and Melissa Holland think their constant tweets and retweets attempting to parallel legal brothels to illegal sex trafficking to their currently 904 combined Twitter followers is a better strategy than explaining their stance to the voters of Lyon County.

For some reason they don’t want to speak to the actual girls they portray as trafficking victims.

Once again we have Alice Little and Ruby Rae answering the most commonly asked questions.

Will prostitution go away if they ban legal brothels?

Alice Little lets the audience know how ridiculous that notion really is. “Prostitution has been around since the dawn of time”. Ms. Little explains that legal prostitution solves a lot of problems. Example being that legal brothel counties have lower cases of STD’s/STI’s.

Ms. Rae says that banning legalized prostitution won’t make it go away, it’ll only push it underground. Which will be much worse on the girls and the community.

This makes sense as it will inevitably invite pimps, which means girls won’t have a choice on who they tend their services to.

Are the ladies being exploited?

Ms. Little defines the term “Sex Trafficking”. She explains that it’s someone being coerced or forced against their will, without their consent into the sex industry.

Ruby Rae, says she’s a grown woman and can make her own choices. She even got advice from her friends and family about starting work in a brothel. Ms. Rae turns the tables and says she feels exploited by the opposition to close down her place of employment and livelihood.

How is your safety, and is the opposition conflating illegal and legal prostitution?

They address the over-the-top ads put out by the opposition. They address the panic button and if they’ve even had to use it. Ruby Rae says she hasn’t. Explains that the brothel system is legal, clean, and safer than the illegal sex world.

Most importantly, in legal brothels gives women the right to say “no”.

Economic Impact of the Lyon County Brothels. Would it help taxpayers?

Alice Little asks the crowd if they knew that they paid for the police station vehicles. The cost of regulation doesn’t exceed the impact of money that comes into Lyon County. A whopping 30% comes into the county from the local brothels (which we’ve covered here). Ruby adds that some of the girls in the community as well as all of the staff are located in Lyon County and these are people that can potentially lose their paychecks.

They spoke about Dennis Hof’s generosity to the local community with all of his donations.

Why is this happening now?

Oooh. Woman in the audience asks the question: Why is this happening now? We agree with the answer given, it’s a political hit. In our opinion, it was against Dennis Hof, but since his passing, the people wanting to ban brothels seemed to have lost their steam- proof since they no-showed. Mr. Muth chimed in saying this all came about when Dennis ran for office, when he switched from a Libertarian to Republican where he was a threat to winning… and won. The tangled web goes like this: Jason Guinasso (who Alice says doesn’t even live in Lyon County) is a lawyer who works for a law firm that were were associates with for James Oscarson… who Dennis ran against and beat for Assembly Seat 36. The only counties that were targeted were where Dennis owned them.

Audience Questions

An interesting point that was brought up was that judges would recommend girls that were charged with illegal prostitution seek employment in a legal brothel. Alice outlines the choices the women make to work in the brothels, and how insane it is to assume they’re somehow forced into the industry.

To gain employment in a brothel, you must:

  • Apply online
  • Arrange for a job interview
  • If accepted, set a start date
  • Find your own way to the brothel
  • Visit the doctor
  • Wait 24 hours to get free and clear to work
  • Take that and ID and go to Sheriff’s department

A glaringly obvious solution was brought up by Alice Little: If you think the girls are being trafficked, why don’t you just ask them?

Sheriff Al McNeil in the house

Sheriff Al McNeil of Lyon County was in the audience and gets up to speak. He says he’d bet his job that the girls that are there (Alice and Ruby) are not being trafficked.

Is there any other worker that is vetted like the girls in the sex industry? Sheriff says no. Only liquor licenses, business licenses, and CCW (concealed carry weapons permit) applications.

In closing, Chuck Muth says he wished Jason Guinasso and Melissa Holland showed up.

If you’d like to watch the Brothel Debate part 2, check it below:

Update, it looks as if their YouTube channel has been terminated! We’re searching to see if we can find if they’ve been uploaded elsewhere. Update, seems it’s on another channel.