It’s a question for Lyon County that many around the world were aware of. Did the voters want to keep brothels in the county?
Yep. They overwhelmingly voted “no” on Lyon County question 1:
“Shall the Lyon County Board of Commissioners rescind Title 3, Chapter 5, the Lyon County Brothel Ordinance, in order to end brothels and legalized prostitution in Lyon County, Nevada?”
20,674 votes cast
Support: 4,031
Against: 16,643
Remember that this was considered an “advisory question” as opposed to an end-all-be-all vote yay or nay for the brothels in Lyon County. If they voted to to rescind brothel legalization, then the Lyon County Commissioners would have a chance to vote among themselves using the votes cast by the community as a factor.
We’ve covered the question in detail here, and the county debates in detail here: debate 1, debate 2, debate 3, debate 4. What we saw it those debates is that attendees want to keep the brothels in their county open. It seems to have been the same for voter turnout. They aren’t bothered by them and they don’t think the girls are being trafficked. So the people who started it, who don’t even live in Lyon County and didn’t even bother to show up at the debates (not counting the pastor and his father at debate 4). Yeah, they must really care about the girls being trafficked.
We’ve said it before. We feel this was a political hit against the late Dennis Hof, who actually won Nevada Assembly Seat 36.
This was also attempted in Nye County, and not only did they fail to get the signatures to get the question onto the ballot, but they didn’t even get an advisory question on it.
With all of that information we have to think people don’t care if brothels exist!