Brothel Life News

Sheri’s Ranch Offers Video of Your Party!

Most people want their visit to a brothel to be extremely private. Many don’t want their significant other, their boss, their fans, to know they’ve visited a brothel. Well, Sheri’s Ranch, the beautiful report type Nevada Brothel are allowing people to keep their memories on video. Yep. People can basically hire their favorite girl to star in their very own porn video.

Sheri’s Ranch says they’ve built an automated video studio that can be voice activated and ready to roll by Amazon’s Alexa. The homemade Brothel-made porn will be filmed from different camera angles that the customer now owns.

We’re sure all of the girls won’t go for this service, as many are anonymous. We’re also sure it’ll be pretty expensive to do this.

What will the rules be? Can a client wants to upload to an x-rated video website?

How soon until guys want to recreate a scene from their favorite porn movie? We say it happens on day 1.